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The SAFE PORT is coveted by boats
at the mercy of the storm.
It is refuge, protection, safety.
It is a widespread place name on the coasts
of all seas, from Normandy to Brazil.
So in life, tossed about by circumstances,
by mental gusts and emotional waves, we seek shelter.


The ANATOMICAL THEATER was the place
used for practical anatomy lessons,
consisting of a central table surrounded by steps
arranged in a circular, elliptical or octagonal way,
equipped with a railing, from which students
could observe the teacher's demonstrations of dissections.


The PLEASANT SITE is an idealized, idyllic
natural setting, shaded by friendly vegetation,
delighted by young waters, home to native life
or carefree pastoral entertainments,
somewhat similar to paradise on earth.


The HAPPY ISLAND is a remote beach of mild serenity
that can be reached, sometimes fortunately,
through extraordinary sea voyages, recalled with nostalgia
in the memory of sailors and dreamed of by those who,
without ever leaving, have heard the story.


The FENCED GARDEN was typically annexed
in medieval times to convents and monasteries
to cultivate the "simple", medicinal plants: a protected,
cared for, beneficial place of meditation and peace.
Its central and symmetrical structure represented
the cosmic order, evoking the Garden of Eden.


The BOTTOM OF THE WELL is the lowest point
of a hole dug vertically into the depths of the earth.
On the one hand it mercilessly recalls the most
deplorable human condition of extreme decline,
yet on the other, once it reaches the water table,
it constitutes the vital reserve.


The FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH is a legendary spring,
tirelessly sought since ancient times especially
in Asia and the New World, in an illusion shared
by both the humble and the powerful
to rejuvenate themselves, thanks to its healing
and miraculously regenerating waters.


The GATES OF HEAVEN, ideally located
at the highest point of the earthly dimension,
is the access to the infinity of the spiritual sphere.
In the Christian tradition it is a symbolic attribute
of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
invoked in the litanies of Loreto.


The WALL CROWN takes up a Hellenistic symbolism
assigned to the goddess Tyche, personification
of the destiny of a city, and then to Cybele.
It was taken up by the ancient Romans as a military honor
and finally by modern civic heraldry as an ornament
superimposed on the coats of arms of the Municipalities.


The ATRIUM OF THE GENTILES was a large public
courtyard adjacent to the Temple of Jerusalem,
accessible to all, including pagans:
the "gentiles" and the "uncircumcised".
It was - and still is symbolically - a place of mediation
and dialogue between faith and secular culture.


The SEA OF HUMIDITIES is a geological formation
on the surface of the Moon. These place names of seas,
oceans, lakes, swamps and lunar gulfs were coined
by the Jesuit astronomer Giovanni Battista Riccioli
(1598-1671), with the publication of the first lunar map
in the Almagestum novum (1651).


on the surface of Mars, characterized by
a disordered morphology and the presence
of large fractures and canyons.
It evokes a certain unease and has been adopted
as the background for a famous wargame,
the Warhammer 40k.


12 works
acrylic on canvas on masonite
56 x 56
Sant'Albano Stura, 2019-2020

The LUOGHI (PLACES) series depicts
recurring symbolic sites, on the borders
between physical reality and imagination.
On the one hand they are rhetorical abstractions
familiar from history of the arts and related
applied disciplines, on the other hand
there is no lack of references to reality,
sometimes generic, sometimes specific,
sometimes unique, sometimes multi-faceted.
In the paintings they are re-proposed
in their geometric essence
(in the sense of scales, arches, discs and rings),
floating on the ocean of the visual unconscious.